Using Sequences

[ Program Manual | User's Guide | Data Files | Databases ]

Table of Contents


Types of Sequence Files

Using Database Sequences

Submitting Sequences to the Databases

Specifying Database Sequences by Name

Specifying Database Sequences by Accession Number

Using Single Sequence Files

Creating and Editing Single Sequences

Specifying Single Sequence Files

Specifying Sequence Type (Nucleotide or Protein)

Using List Files

Creating and Editing List Files by Hand

Programs that Create List Files

Specifying List Files

Using Rich Sequence Format (RSF) Files

Programs that Create RSF Files

Editing RSF Files

Specifying RSF Files

Using Multiple Sequence Format (MSF) Files

Programs that Create MSF Files

Editing MSF Files

Specifying MSF Sequences

Finding and Copying Database Sequence Files

Finding Database Sequences

Copying Sequences from the Databases

Viewing Sequences

Viewing Database Sequences

Viewing Sequences in Your Directory

Reformatting Sequence Files to GCG Format

Reformatting Sequence Files

For Advanced Users

Using Personal Databases

Creating Personal Databases

Specifying Personal Databases

Refining a Sequence List


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This chapter teaches you about the heart of the Wisconsin Package: using sequences. It provides information that you must know to work with the sequence databases (GenBank, EMBL (abridged), SWISS-PROT, and PIR-Protein) and to use your own sequences with Wisconsin Package programs for specific analysis.

You'll learn how to

Types of Sequence Files

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The Wisconsin Package works with many different types of sequence files:

Using Database Sequences

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Sequence Databases Available

The Wisconsin Package provides you access to nucleotide and protein database sequences. These sequences are included in the following databases:

Note: To find out more about the databases, read the release notes that accompany each database release. If your site receives the GCG Database Update Service, these release notes are located in the directory with the logical name genmoredata. For each database you will find a file of release notes with the name of the database and the extension ".release". For example, if you want to find out more about the GenBank database, type
% to genmoredata
% more genbank.release

To refer to sequences in these databases, use the logical names listed in the Nucleic Acid Databases and Protein Databases tables in this section. You will notice that in some cases there is more than one logical name to refer to a database; use whichever you are most comfortable with. For example, to refer to sequences in GenBank, you could use the logical name GenBank or GB.

GenBank + EMBL = GenEMBL

Note that you can refer to the sequences in GenBank and EMBL, excluding EST, STS, and GSS sequences, collectively with the logical names GenEMBL or GE. To search all sequences, including EST, STS, and GSS sequences, use the logical names GenEMBLPlus or GEP. If you know the specific GenEMBL division you want to search, for example Bacterial, you can search that division alone by using the logical names Bacterial or Ba.

Example Database Sequence

Each sequence in the databases contains not only the sequence data but also taxonomic information about the organism and the bibliographic citation. Below is an example of the sequence Dro5S from the Invertebrate section of GenBank.

Figure 1

Table 1 (Preformatted Version)

Table 2 (Preformatted Version)

Note: Because databases are site-dependent, the above list may not include all the databases available to you, or your site may name the databases differently. In addition, because the divisions of GenBank and EMBL are subject to change, this table may not be complete.

Submitting Sequences to the Databases

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You can submit sequences to be included in a future release of GenBank, EMBL, SWISS-PROT, and PIR. See Appendix II of the Program Manual for the data submission form for GenBank and EMBL. For SWISS-PROT, submit the form to EMBL. For PIR, submit the form to GenBank. All of these database submittal services require that you submit sequences in ASCII format.

- To submit a sequence to GenBank, EMBL, SWISS-PROT, or PIR:

Choose one of the following.

Specifying Database Sequences by Name

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You can specify database sequence entries by name. Note, however, that a sequence name is subject to change from release to release of the database. For instance, let's say an existing database sequence is merged with another sequence; the complete, merged sequence may acquire the name of the second sequence while the first sequence name is omitted. A more stable way of tracking a sequence from release to release is by its accession number, as is described in "Specifying Database Sequences by Accession Number" in this section.

- To specify a database sequence entry by name:

Choose one of the following.

Note: Database names are case-insensitive. That is, you can type them in uppercase, lowercase, or mixed case.

For more information on the database logical names, see the Nucleic Acid Databases and Protein Databases tables earlier in this chapter.

Specifying Database Sequences by Accession Number

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The sequence names of entries in the databases sometimes change from release to release, and the same entry may have a different name in GenBank and EMBL. Because of this, publications refer to sequences by accession number. Using accession numbers offers three advantages over sequence names:

Specifying a database sequence by accession number is much like specifying one by name. Database names and accession numbers are case-insensitive. That is, you can type them in uppercase, lowercase, or mixed case.

- To specify a database sequence by accession number:

Type the name of the database (for example, GE, which is the GenEMBL database), a colon (:), and the accession number (for example, U00069)--GE:U00069. For more information on the database logical names, see the Nucleic Acid Databases and Protein Databases tables earlier in this chapter.

Note: You cannot use wildcards to specify sequences by accession number.

If you don't know the database of the accession number, type % typedata -REFerence accession_number, for example % typedata -REFerence U00069. The program finds the sequence file in the appropriate database and displays its reference information (that is, everything but the sequence itself) on your screen. The first line of this reference information tells you the database in which the sequence resides. For example, in the illustration below, the sequence U00069 is in the Bacterial (BCT) database.

If you also want to see the sequence information, use % typedata without the -REFerence parameter. Or, if you want to copy the sequence to your directory, use the Fetch program.

Secondary Accession Numbers

When a sequence is first entered into EMBL, GenBank, PIR, or SWISS-PROT, it is assigned a unique primary accession number. If that sequence is ever merged with another sequence, the accession number of the original sequence becomes a secondary accession number in the merged sequence.

Figure 2

The Wisconsin Package programs treat primary and secondary accession numbers the same, as long as the accession number you use is unique. Therefore, you can access unique secondary accession numbers as well as primary accession numbers. However, if you use an accession number that occurs more than once in a database, or if you try to use an accession number that does not exist, Wisconsin Package programs will display a message saying they cannot read your sequence. If this is the case, use the LookUp program to determine the accession number's corresponding sequence name and/or primary accession number.

If the accession number you use to specify a sequence has become a secondary accession number, there is no guarantee that the sequence is exactly the same as when it had a primary accession number. That is, the original sequence may be only a portion of a new, larger entry.

You may want to find out if a primary accession number has become secondary. For example, let's say you want to view a sequence listed in a journal. However, if you retrieve that sequence by accession number from the databases, it may already have been incorporated into a larger sequence.

- To determine if an accession number is secondary:

Choose from the following.

The reference information scrolls on your screen with the accession numbers near the top. The primary accession number always appears first, before the secondary accession numbers.

Using Single Sequence Files

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Much of the work you perform may revolve around single sequences, which are sequence files stored in your personal directories. There are three ways to create single sequence files: 1) by using SeqEd, 2) by using a text editor and the Reformat program, or 3) by using SeqLab, the graphical user interface to the Wisconsin Package.

Below is an example single nucleotide sequence file created with SeqEd.

Figure 3

You can store single database sequences in your personal directories as well as import single sequences created by other sequence analysis software and reformat them to use with the Wisconsin Package. For more information on importing sequences, see the "Reformatting Sequence Files to GCG Format" section in this chapter.

Creating and Editing Single Sequences

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You can create sequences from scratch in the Wisconsin Package or edit existing sequences. Each sequence must have a "type" associated with it, denoting the sequence as either a nucleotide or a protein. To specify the sequence type, you can add the parameter -NUCleotide or -PROtein to the command line when you run SeqEd or Reformat. If you forget to do so, the programs determine the type for you based on the symbols in the sequence. Note that because nucleotide and protein sequences share some symbols, the programs can guess incorrectly at the sequence type.

- To create a new sequence or edit an existing one:

Choose from the following.

Specifying Single Sequence Files

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- To specify a sequence file in response to a program prompt:

Choose one of the following.

Specifying Sequence Type (Nucleotide or Protein)

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Sequence type (nucleotide or protein) is an inherent part of a sequence. You can determine the type of a sequence by looking at the sequence file. Sequences in GCG format contain a dividing line between optional text heading and the sequence data. Consider the following example of a typical dividing line:

Gamma.Seq Length:  11375  December 1, 1996 10:09 Type: N Checksum: 6474 ..

The sequence type should appear on the dividing line as either Type: N for nucleotide or Type: P for protein. If the dividing line doesn't contain a Type: field, the Wisconsin Package infers the sequence type from the characters in the sequence. This inference may not always be correct.

If the Type: field of any sequence is incorrect or missing, you should correct it with the Reformat program.

- To specify sequence type as either nucleotide or protein:

Use the Reformat program. Type % reformat -NUCleotide filename or % reformat -PROtein filename. For more information on Reformat, see the Program Manual.

Using List Files

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A list file, formerly known as a file of sequence names, is what its name implies: a file containing a list of sequence names and their locations. You can think of list files as a way to organize your sequences on a project-by-project basis.

You will find list files useful for specifying sequences from multiple locations--such as different databases, single sequences, RSF sequences, and MSF sequences in your personal directories--in one file that you can use as input to a program. List files can contain any number of the following types of sequences:

You can use list files with any program that accepts multiple sequences as input. A program prompt asking "What sequence(s)?" implies that the program accepts multiple sequences.

Below is an example of a list file.

Figure 4

In addition to sequence specifications, each sequence in a list file may optionally contain sequence attributes. These attributes include:

Begin Position. (Begin:n) Shows the base position you want to start with, where n= 1 to the length of the sequence.

End Position. (End:n) Shows the base position you want to end with, where n = 1 to the length of the sequence.

Strand. (Strand:+ or -) Defines the forward or reverse complement nucleic acid sequence strand, where + = forward strand and - = reverse strand.

Sequence Topology: Linear or Circular. (Circ:T or F) Defines the strand as linear or circular, where T = circular and F = linear.

Sequence Weight. (Wgt:n.n) Defines the sequence weight, or the significance of the sequence in comparison to other sequences. That is, you may not want all sequences accounted for equally to determine a result. Therefore, you can give some sequences greater weight than others. This attribute is of use only when you are using two or more sequences in the analysis.

Join. (Join:Sequence_Name) Indicates that the sequence segment should be concatenated with the next sequence in the list that has an identical Join:Sequence_Name attribute. Several contiguous sequences specified in a list file with the same Join:Sequence_Name attribute are concatenated together. (Assemble, Translate, and LookUp are the only Wisconsin Package programs that use the Join attribute. SeqLab uses the Join attribute to concatenate list file sequences in the Editor.)

Note: At the release of Version 9.0, Assemble, CodonFrequency, Distances, Diverge, FrameSearch, PileUp, PlotSimilarity, ProfileMake, Seg, Translate, and Xnu use some or all of these sequence attributes in the command-line version of the Package.

Creating and Editing List Files by Hand

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- To create a list file with a text editor:

  1. - - Open a new file with the text editor of your choice, for example vi.

  2. - - Type the appropriate information. A list file contains the following optional and required elements (see the list file example earlier in this section):

    File Type. (optional) Begins with the line (all uppercase) !!SEQUENCE_LIST 1.0. SeqLab uses the file type to improve performance when loading files. Do not edit or delete the file type. If present, it must appear on the first line of the file.

    Description. (optional) Contains informative text, including the date of creation, describing what is in the file.

    Dividing Line. (required) Includes two periods (..) that must appear on the line preceding the sequence list.

    Sequence List. (required) Includes the single sequences from your personal directory or a database, sequence specifications using wildcards, RSF files, MSF files, or lists files. You must provide the database or directory specification. You can add sequences in any order.

    Sequence Attributes. (optional) Can include the begin and end position, indicate the forward or reverse strand, define the strand as linear or circular, give the sequence a weight in comparison with other sequences, and indicate whether the sequence is concatenated with other sequences in the list.

    Sequence Comments. (optional) Includes an exclamation point (!) followed by a short comment or definition of the sequence(s) or list file.

  3. - - Save and exit the file.

- To edit a list file, either one you have manually created or one created by a program:

Use a text editor of your choice and modify the file as necessary.

TIP - One way to specify a subset of sequences is to "comment out" those unwanted sequences within the list file. If you comment out sequences instead of deleting them, you can use them at a later time.

To comment out sequences:

  1. - - Open the list file in the text editor of your choice and find the sequences you do not want to use.

  2. - - Type an exclamation point (!) in front of the name of each sequence you do not want. For example

    Figure 5

  3. - - Save the file and exit the text editor.

  4. - - To specify the list file, type an at sign (@) followed by the list filename and extension, for example @hsp70.list. The program will use only those sequences that are not commented out.

Programs that Create List Files

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Some Wisconsin Package programs can produce output in list file format. Any program that creates multiple sequence output files and can organize those sequence specifications in a list file supports the -LIStfile parameter. You can then use that list file as input to other programs.

Programs that can create list output files and their parameters (if necessary) are listed below.

Table 3 (Preformatted Version)

Note: Some of the programs listed above, such as LineUp and ProfileSearch, may include additional program-specific information in the output list file. In addition, FastA and BLAST may include sequence alignments. This extra information does not affect the list file's performance.

Specifying List Files

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- To specify a list file in response to a program prompt:

Type an at sign (@) and the name of the list file and extension, for example @hsp70.list.

Note: You cannot use wildcards to specify a list file. For example, you cannot specify @hsp*.list.

Using Rich Sequence Format (RSF) Files

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A Rich Sequence Format (RSF) file contains one or more sequences that may or may not be related. In addition to the sequence data, each sequence can be richly annotated with descriptive sequence information such as:

RSF files are powerful for using with SeqLab, the graphical user interface to the Wisconsin Package. Because they store positional information, you can display RSF files within SeqLab's Editor mode to view and edit sequence alignments and features. The features annotation allows you to graphically view and align sequences based on features as well as run programs on sequence regions selected by feature. You also will find RSF files useful for distributing sequences to colleagues, since these files contain each sequence's data and descriptive information.

Note: If you plan on using SeqLab for the bulk of your analyses, it is best to save your files as RSF if possible. RSF files are more richly annotated than list files or MSF files, which do not save sequence features information as part of the file.

Below is an example of an RSF file.

Figure 6

You may find the following components in an RSF file:

Programs that Create RSF Files

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- To create an RSF file:

Choose one of the following.

Editing RSF Files

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- To edit an RSF file:

Use SeqLab. If you load an RSF file into SeqLab's Editor, it graphically displays the sequences in the file. For more information, see Chapter 2, The Editor: Editing Single Sequences and Multiple Sequence Alignments in the SeqLab Guide.

Specifying RSF Files

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- To specify a single sequence, a subset of sequences, or all sequences within an RSF file:

Choose one of the following.

Using Multiple Sequence Format (MSF) Files

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You can combine multiple sequences in a single file, called a Multiple Sequence Format (MSF) file. MSF files include not only the sequence name but also the sequence itself, which is usually aligned with the other sequences in the file. Three Wisconsin Package programs, PileUp, LineUp, and Reformat, can create MSF files. You can specify a single sequence within an MSF file, a subset of sequences, or all sequences. Like other sequences, those in an MSF file can be used with other Wisconsin Package programs.

The following illustration show an MSF file created with PileUp.

Figure 7

You may find the following components in an MSF file:

Programs that Create MSF Files

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PileUp, LineUp, and Reformat create MSF files. These programs and their parameters (if necessary) are listed below.

Table 4 (Preformatted Version)

Note: If you use % reformat -MSF to create an MSF file, it does not align the sequences.

Editing MSF Files

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- To edit an MSF file:

Use LineUp. For more information, see the Program Manual.

You also can use a text editor to modify an MSF file. If you do so, however, the file's checksum changes, and Wisconsin Package programs will not recognize the file. Therefore, if you use a text editor to modify an MSF file, you must use the Reformat program with the -MSF parameter to rewrite it into GCG format.

Specifying MSF Sequences

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- To specify a single sequence, a subset of sequences, or all sequences within an MSF file:

Choose from the following.

TIP - One way to specify a subset of sequences is to "comment out" those unwanted sequences within the MSF file. If you comment out sequences instead of deleting them, you can use them at a later time.

To comment out sequences:

  1. - - Open the MSF file in the text editor of your choice and find the sequences you do not want to use in the Name/Weight area toward the top of the file.

  2. - - Type an exclamation point (!) in front of the "Name:" of each sequence you do not want. For example

    Figure 8

  3. - - Save the file and exit the text editor.

  4. - - In response to a program prompt, type the MSF filename and extension followed by an asterisk (*) wildcard in curly brackets, for example picorna.msf{*}. The program will use only those sequences which are not commented out.

Finding and Copying Database Sequence Files

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This section teaches you how to

Finding Database Sequences

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The Wisconsin Package helps you find sequences in the GenBank, EMBL, PIR, and SWISS-PROT databases. Its sequence identification programs look through any set of entries you name to find all the sequences that contain some common attribute.

Table 5 (Preformatted Version)

For more information on these programs, see the Program Manual.

Copying Sequences from the Databases

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The Wisconsin Package makes it easy for you to copy sequences from the databases to your directory. You can copy single or multiple sequences.

- To copy sequences from the databases:

Choose from the following.

Viewing Sequences

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You may want to read the reference information associated with a sequence or view the sequence itself. You can easily view the contents of sequence files by using the TypeData program. Using these commands, you can view database sequences or those in your personal directories, including single sequences, RSF files, MSF files, or list files.

Viewing Database Sequences

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- To view database sequences:

Type % typedata entry_name, for example % typedata GB_IN:Dro5S. The sequence data, including reference information, scrolls on your screen. Note that you cannot edit a file using the TypeData command.

You can control screen output in the following ways:

For more information on controlling screen output, see "Controlling Screen Output" in the "Quick Reference" section of Chapter 1, Getting Started.

Viewing Sequences in Your Directory

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- To view the contents of single sequence files, list files, RSF files, or MSF files in your directories:

Type % more filename, for example % more gamma.seq. The sequence data, including reference information, displays one screen at a time. To advance from screen to screen, press the <Space Bar>.

Reformatting Sequence Files to GCG Format

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At some point in your work with the Wisconsin Package, you may need to reformat sequence files into GCG format. This may happen when

Reformatting Sequence Files

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You can use a number of differently formatted sequences with the Wisconsin Package--sequences created with a text editor or automated sequencer; sequences in a different software format (for example Staden or IntelliGenetics); or sequences in the database formats of GenBank, EMBL, SWISS-PROT, or PIR.

Each sequence in the Wisconsin Package must have a "type" associated with it, denoting the sequence as either a nucleotide or a protein. To specify the sequence type, you can add the parameter -NUCleotide or -PROtein to the command line when you run Reformat, FromStaden, FromEMBL, FromFastA, FromGenBank, FromPIR, or FromIG. If you forget to do so, the programs will determine the type for you based on the symbols in the sequence. Note that because nucleotide and protein sequences share some symbols, the programs can guess incorrectly at the sequence type.

- To reformat sequence files:

Choose one of the following.

For Advanced Users

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The information in this section is intended for users who are familiar with using sequences within the Wisconsin Package. This section teaches you how to

Using Personal Databases

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You can create your own personal databases, similar to GenBank and EMBL databases, for searching with the Wisconsin Package. This option is a particular advantage if you frequently work with large list files. A large set of sequences is more compact to store and faster to search if it is assembled into a database. Thus, you can convert your large list files into databases for faster searching capabilities. When sequences are assembled into a database, all Wisconsin Package programs work with them exactly as they work with the public databases (GenBank, EMBL, etc.).

Creating Personal Databases

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The program DataSet creates databases from any set of sequences you specify.

- To create a personal database:

  1. - - Type % dataset. The program displays the prompt "Assemble DATASET from what sequence(s)?"

  2. - - Choose from the following:

  3. - - Type the logical name you want to refer to the database, for example HSP. This prompt sets the logical name of your personal database.

    Your personal database logical names are automatically assigned in a shell script called .datasetrc in your home directory.

Specifying Personal Databases

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Specifying a personal database you created using DataSet is the same as specifying a sequence from a public database such as GenEMBL, GenBank, SWISS-PROT, etc.

- To specify a personal database:

Type the logical name of your database, followed by a colon (:), followed by the sequence(s) of interest. For instance, using the example above, you could type HSP:Hs70_Brelc to specify a single sequence in the personal database, or HSP:* to specify all sequences in the personal database. For more information, see "Using Database Sequences" in this chapter.

Refining a Sequence List

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You can refine list files, RSF files, or MSF files to fit your analysis needs:

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Documentation Comments:
Technical Support:

Copyright (c) 1982, 1983, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 Genetics Computer Group, Inc. a wholly owned subsidiary of Oxford Molecular Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

Licenses and Trademarks Wisconsin Package is a trademark of Genetics Computer Group, Inc. GCG and the GCG logo are registered trademarks of Genetics Computer Group, Inc.

All other product names mentioned in this documentation may be trademarks, and if so, are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and are used in this documentation for identification purposes only.

Genetics Computer Group