STACPACK is available by download from Also available at the same site is a set of tools developed for easy insal and loading for linux users called SANBI-BABY. This toolset is precompiled for linux and includes instalation instructions. Its designed for folks who want to set up small servers in developing countries. Register at and download for free for STACKPACK. Install instructions come with the package, but a directory for StackPack on the CD should include the install guide so as to give folks an idea of what is involved if they wish to go ahead with an install. Here is the txt for the readme STACPACK is available by download from Please register there and download. README for stackPACK 2.1 30 March 2001 This version of stackPACK replaces stackPACK v2.0. StackPACK v2.1 contains significant improvements over stackPACK v2.0, and concentrates mainly on improving the ability to handle large data sets and large clusters. New viewing and reporting functions have been included which highlight potential areas of interest, and which enables data exchange with alignment editing programs. Enhancements in terms of user flexibility and control of the pipeline processes and applications have also been implemented in this release. Several documentation files exist for this release: * README this file * ReleaseNotes.txt details about the release including updates, new features and known problems * INSTALL installation instructions for a new stackPACK * INSTALL_UPDATE instructions for updating an existing stackPACK installation We hope that the stackPACK transcript reconstruction and variation analysis tools prove valuable to your research efforts. --------------09E02F312505F270DF258D7C Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii; name="INSTALL.html" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline; filename="INSTALL.html" StackPACK 2.1 Installation Instructions - New User

            StackPACK 2.1 Installation Instructions 

                   New User Installation


StackPACK Update:  StackPACK version 2.1

Platforms:         Irix 6.5.x, Tru 64 UNIX 4.0 and 5.0, Solaris 7, 

                   Linux Red Hat 6.2

Date:              30 March 2001

This document describes the procedures for installing stackPACK v2.1















1.  Supported platforms

Hardware                                           OS Version

------------------------------------------         -----------------

Compaq                                             Tru 64 UNIX 4.0

Compaq                                             Tru 64 UNIX 5.0

Intel-based PC                                     Linux Red Hat 6.2

Silicon Graphics - 64bit architecture only         Irix 6.5.x

Sun Microsystems                                   Solaris 7

2.  RAM

    Minimum Requirements: 256K                      

    Recommended Requirements: The user requirements depend on the size 

    of the datasets and clusters to be processed. Increased RAM

    significantly increases stackPACK performance. 

3.  Disk space

    Minimum Requirements: stackPACK requires 150MB to install and

                          75MB to run.

    Recommended Requirements: The user requirements depend on the size 

    of the datasets and clusters to be processed. In addition to the 

    minimum requirements, stackPACK requires 5x the datasize to run.

4.  Required third-party software

Software       Version               Location

------------   ------------------    --------------------------------

Phrap and      1996 or 1999


RepBase        user's choice

RepeatMasker   April 1999 or newer

Apache         1.3 or newer

MySQL          3.23.27 or newer

Python         1.5.2       


This installation assumes a working knowledge of Unix and MySQL. 

1. Please ensure that you have installed, configured and tested the

   web server and MySQL. 


2. You will need the following information in order to proceed with

   your stackPACK installation:

     * The stackPACK hostname 

     * The stackPACK installation target, usually: usr/local/stackpack  

     * The location of your web server html root, usually: 

       /home/httpd/html or /var/www/htdocs

     * The location of your web server cgi-bin root, usually:

       /home/httpd/cgi-bin or /var/www/cgi-bin

     * The MySQL hostname

     * The username and password of a MySQL account with privileges

       to create new MySQL users


1. Copy the stackPACK distribution file to a temporary directory 

   with at least 75MB of free disk space.


2. Unpack it with:

        > gzip -d stackpack-2.1-.tar.gz

        > tar xf stackpack-2.1-.tar


3. Type ls in order to display the directory contents. The directory

   should contain the following:

     * cgi-bin/                     -    cgi scripts required for the

                                         web interface

     * etc/                         -    The stackPACK configuration


     * html/                        -    html files required for the

                                         web interface

     *                     -    The stackPACK installation 


     * stackpack/                   -    The main stackPACK 

                                         installation tree

     * stackpack-2.1-.tar     -    The tarred up stackPACK

                                         distribution file



1. Log in as root.

   If you do not have access to the root password, please contact

   Electric Genetics at:  

   e-mail :

   tel : +27 (21) 959 3964

   fax : +27 (21) 959 2512

2. Ensure that you are in the same directory as the untarred stackPACK

   distribution file.

3. Execute the setup script by typing the following command:

       > sh


This script will configure your stackPACK installation. A number of 

questions need to be answered in order for configuration to occur. 

The default answers to the questions are shown in square brackets - if

these answers are appropriate, simply hit return. Otherwise, type the 

correct information at the prompt, and hit return.

     * stackPACK hostname: [local.hostname]    

       The host on which the stackPACK is installed. This host is also

       used by the web interface as a mail server for sending status

       updates to users.

     * stackPACK installation target: [/usr/local/stackpack]   

       The directory in which stackPACK will be installed. For the 

       remainder of this document the stackPACK installation target 

       will be referred to as the .

     * Location of stackPACK config files: [/etc]

       The directory in which stackPACK will install its configuration

       files. The configuration files are stackpack, odbc.ini and

       odbcinst.ini. For the remainder of this document the directory

       containing the stackPACK configuration files will be referred

       to as the .


NOTE: If you do not wish to install the stackPACK configuration files

in the /etc directory, you may install them in the stackPACK 

installation directory by specifying /etc.

You must then follow the instructions in Section VI.1. and set specific

environment variables before stackPACK will run properly.

    * Install WWW interface? (y/n)                         

       Answer yes if you want the stackPACK web interface to be

       installed. If you answer no at this point, only the 

       command-line stackPACK tools will be installed.

    * Web server html directory [/home/httpd/html]          

      The directory where the HTML files for the stackPACK web

      interface will be installed. The system creates a stackpack

      sub-directory in the HTML directory you specify.

    * Web server cgi directory [/home/httpd/cgi-bin]        

      The directory where the CGI-BIN scripts for the stackPACK web

      interface will be installed. The system creates a stackpack

      sub-directory within this directory.

    * MySQL server hostname: [local.hostname]

      The host on which the MySQL database is installed.

     * Please enter a MySQL account that has user 

       creation privileges:[root]

       The name of a MySQL account that has privileges to create new


     * Please enter a password for root:

       The password for the above-mentioned account.

     * Please enter stackPACK MySQL account name: [stackpack]

       The name of the MySQL account that will be created to give

       stackPACK access to the MySQL database.

     * Please enter stackPACK MySQL account password: [stackpack]

       The password of the MySQL account through which stackPACK gains

       access to the MySQL database.

Upon completion of all the questions, the script will display all the

answers you have given. Once these answers are confirmed, the script

will go ahead with the stackPACK installation.


After completion of the installation script, the following tasks must 

be completed before attempting to run stackPACK.

1. If the stackPACK configuration files have not been installed in

   /etc, you must set two environment variables, STACKPACK_ROOT

   and ODBCSYSINI, for both the webserver and each user.

   To set STACKPACK_ROOT, specify the directory _above_ the

   location of the stackPACK configuration files.  For example,

   if the stackPACK configuration files are installed in

   /usr/local/stackpack/etc, set STACKPACK_ROOT to


   To set ODBCSYSINI, specify the location of these configuration

   files, e.g., /usr/local/stackpack/etc.

   As an example, for Apache servers:

   Edit the httpd.conf file to contain the following:

     SetEnv STACKPACK_ROOT /usr/local/stackpack

     SetEnv ODBCSYSINI /usr/local/stackpack/etc

   This will ensure that the web-based stackPACK works properly.

   To ensure that the command-line stackPACK works properly, ensure

   that the variables STACKPACK_ROOT and ODBCSYSINI are set for

   each user as well.

2. Ensure that each user's PATH environment variable has the following

   added to it:



   For C-shell users, for example:   

    setenv PATH ${PATH}:/usr/local/stackpack/bin

   For Bash-shell users, for example:

    export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/stackpack/bin

3. Ensure that each user's LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable has

   the following added to it:


   C-shell users, for example:

     setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH  



   Bash-shell users, for example:

     export LD_LIBRARY_PATH 


4. Obtain phrap and cross_match ( and install

   them into:



NOTE: The standard configuration on stackPACK is for the latest (1999) 

phrap and cross_match. If you would like to use the older version of 

phrap (1996), some parameter settings need to be changed. Please see 

Section VII.7. for further details.

5. If the user does not wish to use the masking database supplied with

   stackPACK, replace the following file (default location of the

   masking database) with your own database:



   The masking database supplied with stackPACK only contains the


   * Common vector sequences, distributed by NCBI

   * Other potential contaminants such as rodent, mitochondrial and

     ribosomal DNA. 


6. If necessary, customize the configuration of your stackPACK

   installation by verifying whether /stackpack,

   /odbc.ini and 

   /odbcinst.ini files contain the desired

   settings. The default location for the stackPACK configuration

   directory is /etc.  

See section VII, Customizing your stackPACK Configuration, for more 

details on these files.


StackPACK should now be installed on your system. You can access it 

either via the command line or through the web interface at 


Please continue to the following sections for details on testing and 

customization of your stackPACK installation.




1. StackPACK processing via the web interface:

  * To test the database connectivity, go to 

    http:///stackpack, and click on 

    WebProjectManager. An empty project table should be displayed if

    the database connectivity is properly set up. 

  * To test whether the programs are working correctly via the web

    interface go to http:///stackpack, and click

    on WebPipe.

    Complete the WebPipe data submission form in order to submit a

    clustering job. Please fill in all the details:

      o Project owner:		Enter your full e-mail address.

      o Project name:		Enter a brief one-word alphanumeric

                                project name.

      o Project description:	Enter a one-line project description

                                for your reference.

      o Input Data File:        Enter the name of the input data

                                file. Use the browse option to specify

                                the location of the input data file. A 

                                test datafile is in

                                /doc and is

                                called alt_splice.seq.

      o Data Format		Select "Mixed or unknown FASTA Format"

      o Submit			Click on "Go Ahead" to initialize

                                the clustering process.

This dataset will be processed quickly and you should receive an 

e-mail upon project submission as well as upon project completion. 

Verify that all programs executed properly by reviewing the log sent 

upon project completion. The log contains details of each step in the 

pipeline, including parameter settings and any errors which may have 

occurred. If the entire pipeline and thus the project fails to 

complete, the log report is still e-mailed to the user.

NOTE: MYSQL has a default database and thus a default project called 

test. You may not have two projects with the same name. Hence you may 

not use "test" as a project name when running the testdata.

2. StackPACK processing via command line:

To test whether the programs are working correctly via the command 

line, please carry out the following instructions:

     * Create a stackPACK project with the following command:

       stack_ProjectManager -create altdata testing 

     * Import the sequences from the input data file into stackPACK's

       database with the following command:

       stack_ImportFasta altdata 

       /doc/alt_splice.seq. GUESS

     * Mask the input data with the following command:

       stack_Mask altdata

     * Cluster the data with the following command:

       stack_Cluster altdata

     * Assemble the data with the following command:

       stack_Assemble altdata

     * Analyze data with the following command:

       stack_Analysis altdata

     * Link data with the following command

       stack_Link altdata

Verify that all programs executed properly by inspecting the output 

produced by each of of the pipeline steps. The output contains details 

such as parameter settings and any errors which may have occurred.

3. If stackPACK fails to process the data, either via the web

   interface or command line, please confirm that:

     * all path locations in the /stackpack

       file are valid

     * all the programs in /bin and

       /bin.ext  are executable for all users

     * the temp directory specified in STACKPACK_TMP under the

       [STACKPACK] heading in the  directory is

       writable for all users.

4. If stackPACK still fails to process the data, please read through

   section VII, Troubleshooting.

5. If you are unable to troubleshoot with these suggestions, please

   contact Electric Genetics at:


   tel: +27 (21) 959 3964

   fax: +27 (21) 959 2512

6. If you have managed to test successfully, you may delete the

   stackpack, odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini files, which you had moved to

   a temporary location in step 2 of section III, Uninstalling 

   Existing stackPACK Copies

7. If you have managed to test successfully, you may delete the

   contents of the temporary directory that was created in step 1 of

   section III, Unpacking The Distribution.



1. The stackPACK software has a system-wide configuration file located 

   /stackpack from where most of the stackPACK 

   configuration is done. This configuration file first lists the 

   locations of the stackPACK system components, then the parameters of 

   the stackPACK pipeline steps, and lastly the algorithm parameters. 

   The system administrator should take a critical look at these 

   variables when first installing stackPACK.


2. Moving  the configuration files out of  /etc :

   If you do not wish to install stackPACK configuration files in the

   /etc directory, you can install them in the stackPACK installation

   directory. Please carry out the following instructions:

     * Create a /etc directory

     * Move /etc/stackpack, /etc/odbc.ini and /etc/odbcinst.ini to

       this directory.

     * Set the environment variables, STACKPACK_ROOT and ODBCSYSINI

       for both the webserver and each user.  See Section VI.1. for

       details on how this can be done.

3. Configuring the temp directory:

   StackPACK writes out temporary files to the location specified for

   STACKPACK_TMP under the [STACKPACK] heading in the stackpack

   configuration file. It is important to ensure that enough disk

   space is allocated to this directory, especially if there are a

   lot of users or if large datasets are processed. The temp directory

   can be set in /stackpack.


4. Changing the database settings:

   To change the username and password used by stackPACK to connect

   to the database go to the [DATABASE] heading in

   /stackpack and edit the DSN_LOGIN and 

   DSN_PASSWORD variables.




         DSN_LOGIN=stackpack    <-- --------

         DSN_PASSWORD=stackpack  <-- --------

5. Changing the SMTP server:

   To change the server used to send the e-mail, for example if 

   stackPACK is not delivering a notification e-mail upon project

   completion, change the SMTP_SERVER value under the [WEBPIPE]

   heading in /stackpack to point to the

   correct machine.

6. Configuring stackPACK for multi-processor machines:

   In /stackpack, under the [stack_Mask],

   [stack_Cluster] and [stack_Assemble] headings there is a variable

   "num_cpus". Set this variable to the desired amount of processors

   you want to allocate to each task.

   Although the number of cpus can exceed the number of actual cpus on

   the system, it is not generally. Furthermore, we recommend that the

   nature of typical projects, and the available RAM are taken into

   consideration when setting this variable. Projects with long 

   sequences and/or large clusters will require more RAM, and the 

   system may run out of memory if too many cpus are set.









7. Configuring stackPACK for the old (1996) version of phrap:

   In /stackpack  under the [phrap] heading

   there is a variable called old_ace. Set this variable to 0 in order

   to use the older version of phrap.


8. Changing the machine used as a database server:

    To change the machine used as a database server, edit the Server

    variable in /odbc.ini 

9. User configuration:

   StackPACK system configuration can be adjusted by the user with

   the creation of an individual configuration file placed in their

   home directory named ".stackpackrc". The easiest way to create the

   .stackpackrc file is to copy /stackpack to

   the user's home directory as .stackpackrc and further edit it. Each

   user can do this as follows: 

      cp /stackpack ~/.stackpackrc

      vi .stackpackrc

   Typical parameters that are adjusted by the user using 

   .stackpackrc include: the repeat masking file, the number of

   processors for the masking, clustering and assembly steps and, for

   expert users, parameters for each of the programs called externally

   by stackPACK. 

   Even though the most commonly used parameters for each of these

   programs are listed in the configuration file, any parameter can

   be set as a flag.



1. Symptom: Stack_Assemble suddenly stops generating contigs. 

   When running from command line, the log is as follows:

   No contig generated for cluster: 78

   No contig generated for cluster: 79

   No contig generated for cluster: 80

   When running from the web-interface, the log is as follows:

   stack_Assemble finished

   Processed 120 clusters

   Total contigs generated: 53

   Total clusters that had multiple contigs: 3

   Total clusters that did not have a contig: 70

   NOTE: Only 50 out of 120 clusters generated contigs.

Diagnosis: This is typically due to lack of disks pace


  * StackPACK writes out temporary files to the location specified for

    STACKPACK_TMP under the [STACKPACK] heading in the stackpack

    configuration file. These temporary files are deleted as the data

    is processed. If the processing pipeline is interrupted for some

    reason, the temporary files may fail to delete and must be deleted

    manually. It is important to inspect this location periodically

    for accumulated files, and to ensure that enough disk space is


  * If a very large project is being processed, the temporary files

    for that project may fill up the temporary directory. Using the

    .stackpackrc user configuration file, the user can select another


    space for that particular project, or the system administrator may

    change the temporary location for the whole system. The temp 

    directory can be set in STACKPACK_TMP under the [STACKPACK]

    heading in the /stackpack.

  * StackPACK interacts with the MySQL database regularly during data

    processing. The MySQL database may be configured to write out a

    log file to the default location of

    /usr/local/mysql/var/. This log file

    records every interaction with MySQL and can grow extremely large.

    We recommend that this function is turned off to avoid disk space

    problems. The user may retain it for troubleshooting purposes, but

    must ensure that ample space is available.

NOTE: Irregular data processing during other steps in the pipeline may 

also be attributed to lack of disk space.


2. Symptom:  The following message is displayed when attempting to

             use the web-interface:

             The CORBA server (stackCORBAd) is failing to start up. 

 Diagnosis: The CORBA server (stackCORBAd) fails to start up.

            StackCORBAd provides a language and platform independent

            interface for querying the stackPACK database.


   * The  contains a log file. Please confirm

     that this file can be read and written by everyone on the system. 

   * Please confirm that the ILUbinding directory is present in the

     location specified for ILU_BINDING under the [ILU] heading in the

     stackPACK configuration file, and that it can be read and written

     by everyone on the system. 


3. Symptom: Extraneous text is appended to WebPipe upon data 


  Diagnosis: This occurs when Netscape FastTrack is used as the web 


  Solution: The integrity of the data and the stackPACK results are

            not affected. To avoid this, use Apache as the web server.


4. Symptom: The following message may be displayed when requesting a 

            project summary report:

            The document contained no data. Try again later, or

            contact the server's administrator

   Diagnosis: This may occur when summary reports for large datasets

              are requested. It is generally due to the connection

              between the browser and the server timing out

   Solution: It can be prevented by increasing the Time Out Value on

             the web server. 


5. Symptom: The hierarchical navigational icons which represent the

            various cluster consensus and alignment views within

            WebProbe are misaligned.

   Diagnosis: This is due to incompatible font settings when running

              Netscape under Linux.

   Solution: It can be avoided by setting the Netscape variable width

             font to 14 in Edit: Preferences: Font.     

