Viewing photographs in AAtDB:

AAtDB (the Arabidopsis thaliana genomic database) uses the ACeDB interface, but offers the extra option of viewing digitized photographs stored in the database (in GIF or JPEG formats). This option is also available in the Grain Genes database. The images are not displayed by the ACeDB software itself, but by a dedicated image display program called xv (written by John Bradley from the University of Pennsylvania).

* Start up AAtDB.

The main AAtDB window and the Main Keyset window appear on the screen. Note that AAtDB does not use exactly the same object classes as ACeDB.

* Double-click (left mouse button) on the class name Image.

The available images are listed in the Main Keyset window. The first page lists many images with a name starting in `CS'. These are pictures of various mutant Arabidopsis plants.

* Double-click on one of the image names starting with `CS'.

This opens a text window:

* Double-click on the words Pick_me_to_call.

This prompts AAtDB to start up the image visualization program xv, and instructs this program to display the appropriate GIF file. A small acknowledgment window may appear:

* If the acknowledgement window appears, click on the Continue button.

After a variable delay, xv displays the picture in a new window.

Note: the picture may not be displayed in full colour on some terminals because of the way these terminals handle colour information.

* Click inside the picture using the rightmost mouse button.

This brings up the xv control window.

The buttons in the lower part of the window allow some manipulation of the photo, such as enlargement, reduction and rotation. The ColEdit button gives extensive control on the colour content of the picture, which can be useful to see faint details.

* Experiment with the various features of xv, but be careful with the Save button.

Note: the program will not allow you to save a modified image under its original name, as this would erase the original picture. It will however allow you to save a modified image under a different name and offers a range of file formats including PostScript. If you really want to save a modified image, make sure to change the destination directory to your own, either by specifying the full Unix path to your directory including the output file name (e.g., /usr46/users/macpherson/, or by first finding your way to your home directory using the Macintosh-like xv interface:

In any case, saving a picture is not recommended unless you really know what you are doing.

* When you have finished experimenting with xv, click on the Quit button.

* Have a look at some of the other pictures available in AAtDB.

These include autoradiograms of Southern blots used to detect RFLPs (image names of the type `g' or `m' followed by a number), and photographs of agarose gels (the `goodman-cosmid' and the `meyerowitz-lambda' series).

* When done, quit AAtDB.

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