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Molecular Systematics & Evolution of Microorganisms

Introduction to Molecular Systematics of Microorganisms

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Table of Contents

  1. Molecular Systematics & Evolution of Microorganisms Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, FIOCRUZ Rio de Janeiro, Brazil September 1999
  2. Introduction to the course
  3. Aims of the course:
  4. Systematics is...
  5. Systematics comprises:
  6. Phenetic Classification:
  7. Phylogenetic classification (cladistics):
  8. Cladograms and phylograms
  9. Rooting using outgroups
  10. Why construct a classification for Microorganisms? 
  11. Time line for life based on fossil evidence 
  12. How to construct a classification system for Microorganisms? 
  13. Owen’s definition of homology
  14. Darwin and homology
  15. Homology is...
  16. Phylogenetic systematics
  17. Monophyletic groups
  18. Some premises underlying phylogenetic inferences
  19. Phylogenetic analysis requires careful thought
  20. Phylogenetic analysis is an attempt to infer the past
  21. Molecules as documents of evolutionary history
  22. What sequences should we use?
  23. Exploring patterns in sequence data:
  24. Saturation in sequence data:
  25. Multiple changes at a single site 
  26. What is the First Branch in the Eukaryote Tree? - Microsporidia?
  27. Elongation factor EF-1 alpha maximum likelihood tree for a selection of eukaryotes
  28. Conflicting phylogenies for Microsporidia?
  29. Microsporidia have a number of unusual features
  30. Alternative explanations of Microsporidia unusual features
  31. Some inventions in eukaryote evolution?
  32. Elongation factor EF-1 alpha maximum likelihood tree for a selection of eukaryotes
  33. Saturation curve for EF-1 alpha among Eukaryotes 
  34. Elongation factor EF-1 alpha maximum likelihood tree for a selection of eukaryotes
  35. Saturation curve for EF-1 alpha among Eukaryotes 
  36. Elongation factor EF-1 alpha maximum likelihood tree for a selection of eukaryotes 
  37. Amino acid ML tree for the largest subunit of RNA Polymerase II 
  38. Plots for pairwise transitions versus transversions for EF-1 alpha 
  39. An appropriate method can correct for GC bias. 
  40. Amino acid ML tree for the largest subunit of RNA Polymerase II 
  41. Plots for pairwise transitions versus transversions for RNA Polymerase 
  42. LogDet from variable sites (DNA positions 1+2) for RNA Polymerase 
  43. Some inventions in eukaryote evolution?
  44. Biased base compositions?
  45. Percentage GC in 16S rRNA genes 
  46. An appropriate method can correct for GC bias 
  47. Phylogenetic estimates are premised on: 
  48. Orthology: Gene trees and species trees 
  49. Paralogy can produce misleading trees 
  50. The Malic Enzyme tree containing paralogs 
  51. Ancient Duplications can be used to root the tree of life 
  52. The Universal RNA Tree
Author: Martin Embley 


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