Parasite Genome Banner

The Trypanosoma brucei Project

Secretary to the project

Sara Melville
Department of Pathology, University of Cambridge

See the African Trypanosome genome project WorldWideWebSite for up to the minute information.

Check the African trypanosome directory of the parasite genome ftp site

Karyotype mapping

(Tait, Glasgow, Melville, Cambridge)
All the smaller smaller chromosomes have been carefully mapped by a combination of genetic and hybridisation mapping.

Physical map

(Melville, Cambridge)
Many large contigs of BAC gDNA clones have been constructed by sts mapping and walking strategies.
The large repetitive sequence and transposon content makes full mapping of chromosomes difficult, but the central gene-rich regions should be amenable to analysis in the first instance.
Physical mapping library and other genomic libraries are available to the research community
Mapping of probes to library clones and karyotype is routine

EST sequencing

(Donelson, USA and Majiwa, Kenya)
2,015 ESTs have been deposited in the public db and another similar number are to be submitted soon.

Genome Sequencing

(Donelson, USA)
A small pilot project suggests that this is both feasibile and useful: indeed it may be an efficient route to gene discovery like the EST approach.


(Tait, Glasgow)
Strains and molecular tools are now in hand to allow the addressing of biological questions such as the genetics of drug resistance and host infectivity.
