Parasite Genome Banner

The Brugia malayi Project

Secretary to the project

Mark Blaxter
ICAPB, University of Edinburgh

The Filarial Initiative is funded by the WHO-TDR with supplemental funding from The McConnell Clark Foundation, and several others.

Data and news from the project is regularly posted to the

Filarial Genome Network WWW Site

and announced on the

filarial-genome email list

The BiblioFil (Filariasis Bibliographic project) WWW pages

To check the Brugia malayi directory of the parasite genome ftp site

Karyotype and Physical Mapping

Not currently being done, but a physical mapping project has been funded.

EST sequencing

(Uganda, India, Egypt, UK, USA)
The Filarial Initiative has concentrated its efforts on EST sequencing for gene discovery. A consortium of six laboratories in both endemic and nonendemic countries has submitted 4023 ESTs to date from several cDNA libraries.
All libraries are freely available
A summary of the results of the EST project is posted here....

There is a parallel est project on Ochocerca volvulus (Williams, USA)

Resource Provision

All the EST clones and the libraries from which they are derived are freely available.
