Parasite genome databases and genome research resources

This message comes from Sara Melville (Cambridge, UK) and Mark Blaxter (Edinburgh, UK)

What is parasite-genome?

parasite-genome is currently
  • this www site which gives access to parasite genome databases and other related information
  • a linked emailing list which it is hoped will promote communication in the field.

    Why parasite-genome?

    We are aware that many parasite genome-related projects are using, intend to use or would like to use the database engine ACeDB. We think it would be a good idea if we pooled our strengths and shared our resources. This would we hope lead to:
  • more effective use of the databases
  • more rapid development of the parasite-specific porions of the databases and
  • a collective voice when it comes to funding applications, etc.
    We would like the list to concentrate on ACeDB-based genome databases but obviously the content of the list will be user-led and anything may be discussed or posted.

    Why a list separate from the ACeDB developers maillist?

    parasite-genome will we hope cater for our specific needs. In particular we would hope to use it to plan for the the WHO/NCBI Parasite Genomes Computing Workshop to be held at Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory, September 14-16 1995. It will also be useful for any follow-up to that meeting.
    In addition, many of us are facing the same funding agencies, and a collective approach may be more successful.

    What do we think parasite-genome can do?

    We list below some of the roles parasite-genome might play.

    Promotion of Discussion

    This is the main role of all maillists. We would hope that members will use parasite-genome will use the list to ask for probes, offer resources to share, request technical advice and warn of problems encountered. The "democratic" and "global" nature of email will give everyone a cahnce to put in their views. The list can be used to post news and results, advertise positions available, etc...

    Sharing of Software and Tools

    We would like to have a poll of what databases are under construction, where they are and what software engines they are devised in.
    We would like to compile a register of software tools which database users/authors find useful (or essential) in compiling their databases. These would include import filters for sequence and reference data, models files and specifications for ACeDB, add-on tools for ACeDB and internet tools for making the resultant databases network-visible.

    Making New Tools

    The list could sponsor the development of new tools. There may be data types which users wish to put into their ACeDB database but which they have not yet worked out model files, etc for. Discussion on the list might firm up concepts and allow a wider specification of the models to be implemented.
    We intend to ask users to contribute "wish lists" - the tools they wish they had but don't. Other members may know of such tools, or know who to ask to develop them. We were thinking of such things as clickable maps, interactive pictures, and so on.

    Raising Funds

    If the community identifies a need, the list could be used for polling and coordinating global support for funding calls to various agencies.


    The list could evolve into a central repository for parasite genome databases which could service outside calls for installation copies, or just have network available copies online.
    The list could be used to coordinate the collection of specific subsets of data for inclusion into unitary databases.

    More information on the MailList

    The mailing list is set up through Mailbase, a UK academic internet services provider. The mailbase site has many other mailing lists, and is also on the WWW (at The Mailbase system is very versatile and should meet most of our needs!
    We STRONGLY reccommend that everyone gets the Users' help file on how to use Mailbase:
  • send an email to
  • leave the subject line blank
  • in the body of the message write:

    To Send Messages to the Maillist

  • send an email to
  • put a descriptive phrase on the subject line
  • put your contribution in the body of the message
    Pages are still under construction
    Please send ideas and new links information to M. Blaxter
    Last modified 14/08/1995