

 Instructions to authors

Editorial Board

Current issue

Past issues


  Instructions to Authors

The Director-Rector of Romulo Gallegos University Ing. Giovanni Nani and the Editors of Trypnews invite all researchers to submit scientific articles, reviews or bibliographic materials, advanced or final reports of formal research projects, theses, case studies, brief research notes, technical notices (originals and unpublished), letters to editor and summaries of works published in other reviews (with their consent), in English, French, Portuguese or Spanish languages. The Editors would also appreciate receiving notices of courses, congress, conferences, and any other events related to hemoparasites, and we are willing to publish reports and papers emanating from such events. 

Submissions should be sent to the Editor in Chief (see below) with the relevant correspondence, and will be subjected to referees. Once accepted, they will be published in order of acceptance. When comments are received from referees, these will be sent to the senior author for correction prior to publication. Absolute confidentiality will be maintained. Initially, the papers published in this new edition of Trypnews will be summarised in the Venezuelan Index Research in Animal Production (IVIPA), which has a Local Editorial Committee. Once articles have been accepted for publication by Trypnews, the author´s authorisation is required in order to present the summary to IVIPA. 

Manuscripts should not exceed four letter-size pages and research or brief notes no more two pages, single spaced, font size 10, typewritten or in Microsoft Word or Word Perfect 6.0 or 7.0, sent by email or on floppy diskette. These should include Title, Author (s), Institution, Postal Address, Telefax and Email, Summary, Key Words (not more than five), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Recommendations, Acknowledgements and Bibliographical References. They may include figures, graphics, tables, pictures (black and white or color), properly identified with their legend in the text and sent separately (i.e. not included in page numbering). Responsibility for the accuracy of presented information rests solely with the authors, the Editors and University cannot accept this resposibility. In summary, Trypnews is utilising the usual standards for formal publications. Please see instructions to contributors of the International Journal for Parasitology. Information published in Trypnews can be totaly or partially reproduced, if the source is indicated and references are sent to the Editors. 

Best wishes,

Editor-Jefe Trypnews
Universidad Rómulo Gallegos
Área de Ingeniería, Departamento de Ciencia Animal
Laboratorio de Investigación y Prestación de Servicios
en Sanidad Animal (LABIPRESAN)
Avenida Universitaria, Sector El Castrero
San Juan de los Morros, estado Guárico, VENEZUELA
Telefaxes: +58 (0)43 320729; +58 (0)46 312670
Mobile Cellular Phone: +58 (0)43 0144 439583

